Thursday, June 19, 2008

Monday was a sad day at work, we had to tell one of our patients that she had breast cancer, that was super sad.  So after that I decided that I needed some hot yoga time, which was good and bad.  I haven't been going to hot yoga as regularly and I totally felt it.....but Jason the owner taught so it was hotter than if it needed to be hotter than usual in hot yoga.
So what a lucky girl I am...on tuesday I get home from work and I have a jury summons....then after a grad party that night I am on my way to the Lounge 164 and I get rear-ended at a stop light...yesh.  Nothing major just my time being spent talking to insurance companies.  So far no major problems and the insurance company seems chill.  
On wed after work I went back to hot was hot yoga lite with Jason the owner again, not as many people were there and I love it when the classes are smaller so that made wednesday that much better.  Then I got to hang out with Boo and watch one of our fave shows, John and Kate plus 8.  
I am so looking forward to the weekend not only for the obvious but because we are taking Betty's nephew to the Long Beach Aquarium!! So excited so there will be a pictures on the blog after that for sure, then Cici the newest little Leu is getting baptized on Sunday! Then its time to start packing for my trip to NC to see some of my fave east coast people!

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